Author Profile

Stephen Chandler

Articles by Stephen Chandler

Oxfordshire's response to the flooding challenge

By Carole Mackay | 15 January 2024

Stephen Chandler and Carole Mackay describe Oxfordshire CC’s response to the recent floods, worki...

Creating a brighter future

By Stephen Chandler | 13 December 2021

Imagine what adult social care could achieve if we back the White Paper’s ambitions and principle...

Care needs cash to reform

By Stephen Chandler | 01 November 2021

If the Government is serious about reforming social care, it has got to get serious about funding...

A singular opportunity for the social care workforce

By Stephen Chandler | 30 March 2021

Better pay is crucial to stopping workforce ‘churn’, says Stephen Chandler. The impact of COVID-1...

Put people first

By Stephen Chandler | 03 February 2021

The future of care and support must be built around our homes and in our communities, writes Step...

Why we need to talk openly about social care

By Stephen Chandler | 22 May 2019

Why has Somerset CC let the BBC spend 10 months following the work of its adult social care teams...