Author Profile

Cllr Iain Malcolm

Articles by Cllr Iain Malcolm

Is it time for elective surgery?

By Cllr Iain Malcolm | 28 July 2020

A move to an increasingly or even completely postal-based vote is one possible solution to the pr...

Caring where it matters most

By Cllr Iain Malcolm | 06 May 2020

Cllr Iain Malcolm says South Tyneside MBC has worked fast to support care homes during the pandem...

A better future for older people

By Cllr Iain Malcolm | 21 June 2016

Shrinking budgets have not stopped South Tyneside from finding innovative solutions to supporting...

Tyne to plan for a healthier future

By Cllr Iain Malcolm | 23 June 2015

Cllr Iain Malcolm explains how South Tyneside has taken a bold, collaborative approach to integra...

Raising the standard

By Cllr Iain Malcolm | 21 April 2015

Cllr Iain Malcolm explains how South Tyneside MBC has risen to the challenge of the Decent Homes ...