Author Profile

John Healey

John Healey

John Healey MP is former local government minister

Articles by John Healey

Silence the talk of benefit cuts

By John Healey | 03 February 2016

John Healey says it’s time for councils to join the campaign against the chancellor’s crude housi...

Keeping score

By John Healey | 17 March 2015

In his last Viewpoint before the May general election, former housing minister John Healey assess...

The three steps to wisdom

By John Healey | 03 February 2015

The North-South divide is history? Only if you choose to ignore it, claims John Healey.

Choices remain on how to balance the books

By John Healey | 16 December 2014

Each political party’s borrowing requirement would see the books balanced in the next Parliament,...

Where Lyons purred, councils can roar

By John Healey | 11 November 2014

John Healey looks at the key points of the Lyons review and highlights the challenges local autho...

Is it good night for bedroom tax?

By John Healey | 09 October 2014

The backbench Bill still has to pass stages in both the Commons and the Lords to become law, but ...

Gove gone but not forgotten

By John Healey | 01 August 2014

John Healey says local authorities need be put back at the heart of education and training policy.

The challenge for councils

By John Healey | 18 June 2014

John Healey looks at the lessons of the recent local elections and urges a strong response from l...

How to fix our unbalanced economy

By John Healey | 14 May 2014

John Healey outlines a radical three-step programme of reforms to give Local Enterprise Partnersh...

Setting council housing free

By John Healey | 27 January 2014

John Healey argues the Treasury must bite the bullet and allow state investment in social housing...