Author Profile

Cllr Izzi Secombe

Cllr Izzi Secombe

Articles by Cllr Izzi Secombe

Looking at the long-term

By Cllr Izzi Secombe | 22 September 2015

Growing demand and shrinking resources are placing severe pressures on social care for adults, ac...

Delay alone won't solve our problems

By Cllr Izzi Secombe | 18 August 2015

Delaying a proposed cap on the cost of care will prove to be a hard move for the Government to ma...

Together we stand

By Cllr Izzi Secombe | 22 July 2015

The integration of health and social care services can only succeed if strong local leadership an...

Decisions, decisions

By Cllr Izzi Secombe | 23 June 2015

Health and social care funding will take centre stage at the upcoming LGA conference, but Cllr Iz...

Time for a health check

By Cllr Izzi Secombe | 26 May 2015

Cllr Izzi Seccombe assesses whether enough is being done to ensure national plans to integrate he...

Practise what we preach

By Cllr Izzi Secombe | 21 April 2015

A new LGA guide to recruiting and retaining qualified social workers is set to help elected membe...

Care Act cash queries

By Cllr Izzi Secombe | 30 March 2015

The Care Act has the potential to offer the personalised approach that people want, but Cllr Izzi...