Author Profile

Linzi Roberts-Egan

Linzi Roberts-Egan

Linzi Roberts-Egan is Waltham Forest LBC's deputy chief executive and director of families & housing

Articles by Linzi Roberts-Egan

Conversations about change

By Linzi Roberts-Egan | 26 February 2020

Linzi Roberts-Egan explains how her council is making sure its staff - often at the height of th...

Empowerment is a team effort

By Linzi Roberts-Egan | 12 December 2018

As the first London Borough of Culture, and one of five integration pilot areas, Waltham Forest L...

What we'll do as an integration pilot

By Linzi Roberts-Egan | 14 March 2018

Linzi Roberts-Egan on what Waltham Forest LBC will do after being named an integration pilot by t...