Author Profile

Paul O'Brien

Paul O'Brien

Paul O'Brien is chief executive of APSE

Articles by Paul O'Brien

Engage some of the pandemic's casualties in a more locally-based recovery

By Paul O’Brien | 29 September 2020

The upcoming comprehensive spending review represents a great opportunity for ministers to show ...

Building foundations for community health

By Dr Daniel Slade | 01 September 2020

 A new report calls on the Government to put public health at the heart of housing delivery. Paul...

By investing in parks society will reap long-term rewards

By Paul O’Brien | 09 June 2020

Over the past few months many have turned to parks as their daily release from the pressures of l...

So you've declared a climate emergency: what next?

By Dr Peter Kenway | 13 May 2020

Paul O’Brien and Dr Peter Kenway warn that, while the eyes of the world have focused on COVID-19,...

Follow the money

By Paul O'Brien | 29 April 2020

As councils grapple with COVID-19 it is not just the extra expenses incurred but the loss of earn...

Don't lose the increased recognition due to a failure to fund services

By Paul O’Brien | 15 April 2020

It would be a tragedy for local government if an increased recognition of its role in keeping soc...

There's no quick fix to tackling climate change

By Paul O'Brien | 19 February 2020

If local councils are to capitalise on the zeitgeist of the climate emergency then they need some...

First and foremost we need clarity on finance

By Paul O'Brien | 18 December 2019

Getting ‘Brexit Done’ should open up an oven-ready settlement for local government to implement r...

The public want to see clear improvements across neighbourhood services

By Paul O'Brien | 05 December 2019

Paul O'Brien says the public will be fairly unforgiving if, having raised their expectations on p...

Austerity's toll on competency framework requirements

By Paul O'Brien | 09 October 2019

If austerity is coming to an end then maybe it's time some of those who have held frontline servi...