Author Profile

Rob Whiteman

Rob Whiteman

Rob Whiteman is chief executive of CIPFA

Articles by Rob Whiteman

Consider the risks of terminating COVID support prematurely

By Rob Whiteman | 05 May 2021

Currently additional COVID support beyond June is in doubt. 'The uncertainty this poses for counc...

The funding puzzle stays unsolved

By Rob Whiteman | 24 March 2021

CIPFA's council tax data revealed the average council tax bills for band D properties in two regi...

Libraries are vital to tackling loneliness

By Rob Whiteman | 08 December 2020

The UK's libraries are a key element in tackling loneliness and isolation, says Rob Whiteman. Yet...

What can we take away from Croydon's s114 notice?

By Rob Whiteman | 19 November 2020

It’s immediately clear from Croydon LBC’s section 114 action that local government must recognise...

Move to a true local state

By Rob Whiteman | 28 October 2020

We have now reached a turning point 'where devolution to a true local state would not only achiev...

We share the Redmond Review's key aims

By Rob Whiteman | 16 September 2020

CIPFA supports the key objective of the Redmond Review to ensure the statutory framework for loca...

Don't seek to override local choice on development

By Rob Whiteman | 25 June 2020

Rob Whiteman hopes the ‘sorry episode’ of the Westferry Printworks application ‘once and for all ...

The care home sector 'entered the pandemic on the back foot'

By Rob Whiteman | 24 June 2020

The suggestion that a 'protective ring' was cast around care homes is difficult to swallow, write...

Slipping through the cracks

By Wajid Shafiq | 01 June 2020

CIPFA and Xantura have set up a data partnership to support the local authority fight against COV...

Questioning the quantum

By Rob Whiteman | 11 May 2020

The ‘business as usual’ funding envelope is not enough in a time of emergency. Rob Whiteman advoc...