Revaluing homes in Scotland is now ‘even more important’, a finance expert has suggested as local authorities hike council tax by up to 10%.
The funding review should ensure the multi-year settlement delivers a period of sustainable, stab...
Local government has called for a resolution to the issue of Special Educational Needs and Disabi...
The average council tax bill rose by 77% in real terms between 1994 and 2020, analysis has found.
After a tough few years for Birmingham City Council, the recovery is very much underway. Heather ...
More than half of Scottish properties are effectively in the ‘wrong’ council tax band, research b...
A more 'radical' approach is required from the Government to turn around the financial crisis fac...
Unitary and county councils queuing up for exceptional financial support demonstrates that the ov...
Councils facing financial woes have been told to scale back council tax rises, just weeks before ...
A unitary council that is less than two years old is seeking exceptional financial support from G...
A Hollywood actor's eloquent court argument about why he shouldn't have to pay council tax may ra...
The Safeguarding Hub is the first point of contact for children, young people and families in need or in need of safeguarding Apply for this job
We have an exciting opportunity to be the strategic lead for our Family, Adult and Community Education Service (FACES) Apply for this job
We are looking for a Principal Sustainability Officer to help us achieve our Carbon Neutral Plan. Apply for this job
The Safeguarding Hub is the first point of contact for children, young people and families in need or in need of safeguarding Apply for this job
We have an exciting opportunity to be the strategic lead for our Family, Adult and Community Education Service (FACES) Apply for this job
We are looking for a Principal Sustainability Officer to help us achieve our Carbon Neutral Plan. Apply for this job