Author Profile

Eric Bohl

Articles by Eric Bohl

Mastering the art of commercial destiny

By Eric Bohl | 20 August 2019

Solace has been considering how councils should best participate in the market. Eric Bohl reports...

When all the housing markets are broken

By Eric Bohl | 18 June 2019

Eric Bohl argues that local government needs to campaign assertively on a range of housing issues...

How to develop some 'outside-in' disruption

By Eric Bohl | 19 November 2015

Eric Bohl offers an introduction to the new Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE) ...

When commissioning tribes go to war

By Eric Bohl | 22 October 2015

If commissioning is to deliver a new future for public services, we need to make sense of the com...

Time for strategic commissioning to deliver

By Eric Bohl | 27 November 2012

Eric Bohl previews SOLACE's winter conference on strategic commissioning.

When the salami's gone

By Eric Bohl | 16 October 2012

Eric Bohl introduces SOLACE's new guide to commissioning and sourcing.

Expanding or contracting?

By Eric Bohl | 03 October 2012

Ahead of the publication of SOLACE's new guide to commissioning and sourcing, Eric Bohl explores ...

Is this the age of the mutual?

By Joe Thomas | 13 December 2011

Eric Bohl and below Joe Thomas look at the future role of mutuals in service provision.

New ways of modernising libraries

By Eric Bohl | 18 October 2011

Eric Bohl says libraries don't feel the need to feel they are living on borrowed time with a whol...