Author Profile

Hiba Mahamadi

Articles by Hiba Mahamadi

Clyde regeneration approved

By Hiba Mahamadi | 21 June 2017

Glasgow City Council’s executive committee has approved further regeneration on the banks of the ...

Wirral's Growth Company seeks investment partner

By Hiba Mahamadi | 21 June 2017

Wirral MBC is seeking an investment partner after launching a property company.

Investment firms buy Pinnacle

By Hiba Mahamadi | 21 June 2017

Two investment firms have bought housing-led regeneration company, Pinnacle.

Tower blaze council under attack

By Hiba Mahamadi | 21 June 2017

Kensington & Chelsea RLBC and the Government have come under attack, with difficult questions abo...

Scots committee hit out at nursery business rates

By Hiba Mahamadi | 21 June 2017

A Scottish parliamentary committee will write to local authorities and the Scottish Government ab...

Councils come together to help Grenfell Tower relief efforts

By Hiba Mahamadi | 20 June 2017

Hounslow, Bromley, Ealing, Southwark and Westminster LBCs will help Kensington & Chelsea RLBC by ...

Council faces questions after fire engulfs tower block

By Hiba Mahamadi | 14 June 2017

Kensington & Chelsea RLBC previously dismissed concerns a serious fire would break out at the tow...

Calls growing to scale back outsourcing for in-house services

By Hiba Mahamadi | 14 June 2017

Outsourcing and privatisation are not a suitable model for the delivery of local government servi...

Worcs CC staff hit by payroll system issue

By Hiba Mahamadi | 14 June 2017

A director responsible for implementing a new payroll and human resources system has left after t...

Princes Trust team-up to boost Lisburn enterprise awards

By Hiba Mahamadi | 14 June 2017

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is to work with the charity, The Prince’s Trust, to encourage...