Bournemouth Council has created the new role of managing director, which will be filled by the cu...
The Lib Dems have announced they will drastically reduce the powers of central government ministe...
Powers that are repatriated to the UK after Brexit should be handed out to devolved regions to bo...
Telford & Wrekin and Shropshire councils have worked together on the procurement of a new childre...
Kent CC will next month become the country’s first local authority to own a private law practice.
Slough Council has appointed a contractor to oversee the development of sports and leisure facili...
The Conservatives have pledged to build ‘thousands’ of council houses over the course of the next...
The deputy mayor of the West Midlands Combined Authority has been appointed today.
The Conservatives have come out on top in the Welsh elections as Labour lost control of its tradi...
Birmingham children’s trust has appointed Wokingham BC boss Andy Couldrick as its first chief exe...
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