Author Profile

Nick Forbes

Articles by Nick Forbes

Shifting cities to net zero

By Cllr Nick Forbes | 08 December 2021

How do we build on the progress made in the great Core City of Glasgow to deliver a just and work...

LGA politics in a time of turmoil

By Clive Woodbridge | 26 June 2019

As the sector descends on Bournemouth for the Local Government Association conference this week, ...

Let's get back local government's voice

By Nick Forbes | 20 September 2017

Ahead of the Labour Party Conference, Nick Forbes outlines some of the challenges for local autho...

A true test of local powers

By Nick Forbes | 26 April 2016

Nick Forbes explains why the steel crisis proves devolution of business rates must be accompanied...

Restoring trust to a broken system

By Nick Forbes | 05 February 2013

Nick Forbes proposes an independent body to determine funding allocations for local government.

Making the running on social care

By Nick Forbes | 18 July 2012

Cllr Nick Forbes, leader of Newcastle City Council, says it's time for local councils to take rad...

Ending the debate on the mechanism for leadership

By Nick Forbes | 09 May 2012

As the dust settles on the elected mayor debate in Newcastle, council leader Cllr Nick Forbes say...