Author Profile

Steve Barwick

Articles by Steve Barwick

England should become a Marmot Nation

By Steve Barwick | 30 January 2024

ICSs will need to get firmly onto the front foot if they are to deliver their goals, including de...

Housing for health – the ICS challenge

By Steve Barwick | 08 November 2023

Steve Barwick and Phil Hope set out the key issues and the five recommendations emerging from a H...

A great step forward

By Steve Barwick | 11 April 2023

The Health Devolution Commission secretariat believes some of the Hewitt Review’s 36 recommendati...

A twelve-point plan for ICSs

By Steve Barwick | 04 July 2022

Tackling health inequalities will need central Government as well as NHS and local government act...

Shining a light on the opportunities offered by ICSs

By Steve Barwick | 30 June 2022

Ahead of ICSs moving to a statutory footing tomorrow, Phil Hope and Steve Barwick set out 12 emer...

HMJ: Shared outcomes for children in ICSs

By Steve Barwick | 15 March 2022

Phil Hope, former minister of state for care services and Health Devolution Commissioner, and Ste...

Joining up care for people, places and populations: a genuinely radical leap forward

By Steve Barwick | 16 February 2022

There is a great deal in the Integration White Paper to be welcomed and it represents a radical s...

We need an equal partnership between the NHS and councils on health and care

By Steve Barwick | 08 October 2021

When is a local health and care partnership not a partnership? If we are not careful when it's an...

Whatever happened to Devo 3.0?

By Steve Barwick | 26 February 2021

Devolution is here to stay ‘no matter if the Government’s preferred phrase is now place and if th...

Our third Integrated Care Systems model would be a real 'partnership of equals'

By Steve Barwick | 21 January 2021

The cross-party Health Devolution Commission is proposing a ‘democratic third way’ on integrated ...