Author Profile

Luca Tiratelli

Articles by Luca Tiratelli

HMJ: Unlocking the power of communities

By Luca Tiratelli | 23 June 2021

Luca Tiratelli, senior policy researcher at New Local, argues the remedy for healthcare’s challen...

We need to better capture the impact of community power

By Luca Tiratelli | 23 February 2021

New Local's latest report forensically and persuasively shows community power works, and now we n...

The key to cutting demand? Mobilise communities

By Luca Tiratelli | 30 July 2020

Luca Tiratelli says a new report from the NLGN shows how councils can stop the crisis of demand f...

Mutual aid, councils and finding compatibility

By Luca Tiratelli | 14 July 2020

Thousands of mutual aid groups have emerged from the pandemic. The NLGN's latest report recommend...

Successful community initiatives should not depend on having friends in high places

By Luca Tiratelli | 03 June 2020

Success in working with councils depends on knowing committed insiders, says Luca Tiratelli of th...