Author Profile

Heather Wakefield

Articles by Heather Wakefield

The local government workforce: equal by default

By Heather Wakefield | 19 August 2021

The APSE Commission message is clear: we need a well-trained, properly rewarded workforce to meet...

Still suffering post-suffrage

By Heather Wakefield | 08 March 2018

The stark inequality in local government and beyond will only be reversed if forced by women, Hea...

Gender disparity is alive and well

By Heather Wakefield | 20 September 2017

Does local government work for women? The answer is a firm ‘no’, according to Heather Wakefield, ...

Why 1% is not an option

By Heather Wakefield | 19 July 2017

Heather Wakefield argues it’s time for the Treasury to put its hands in its pockets for vital wor...

Living wage should be paid to all council workers

By Heather Wakefield | 06 September 2013

What do decent pay and conditions and economic growth have in common?