Benn calls for 'English deal' for all councils

Shadow communities secretary makes case for giving all English councils devolved powers to boost economic growth.

Shadow communities secretary, Hilary Benn, has called on ministers to give all English councils devolved powers to boost economic growth such as transport, skills, housing and broadband.

Speaking at the New Local Government Network (NLGN) conference today, Mr Benn said the bespoke deals being offered to the eight core English cities should be open to all authorities.

Claiming the time has come ‘to be much bolder, and to make a new offer' Mr Benn urged a deal in which key powers were transferred from Whitehall, but with local government choosing the basis on which it receives them.

‘In other words, rather than the Government poring over a list of approved councils or a map of new boundaries in deciding whom to entrust with greater powers and where, local government should decide how it wants to organise itself for the purpose of taking these powers,' he added.

The shadow secretary also insisted local government should form part of the Department for Work and Pensions' work programme and team up  with businesses to provided internships and work experience to equip young people ‘caught in the despairing ‘no experience no job' trap'.

Earlier this week, cities minister Greg Clark - currently overseeing negotiations between the Cities Unit, the eight core cities and Whitehall departments and agencies – pledged to embark on a further wave of civic autonomy this spring.

Mr Clark said that in exchange for seeking new powers under the new ‘right of initiative', second wave cities must promise to provide strong and accountable leadership, greater innovation, efficiency and outcomes.


Jonathan Werran

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