GMB members at Brighton and Hove City Council have voted in favour of industrial action, as the row over pay and conditions continues.
The local authority's Green Party administration has been in dispute with union members, who work in refuse, recycling and street sweeping, since January. The dispute has been over plans to change pay and conditions for the workers.
The overwhelming majority (95.6%) of members voted in favour of taking a full week's strike, beginning on 14 June.
Further details of action will be announced in due course.
‘A 96% vote in favour of industrial action clearly shows that the workforce are determined to fight these unfair cuts,' said branch secretary, Mark Turner.
‘Whilst our members do not take strike action lightly, they have no option but to defend themselves from these savage cuts.
‘At a meeting of the workforce this morning, they have personally asked me to thank the public for the overwhelming support they have received, with over 1,500 residents signing petition on our website and posters in support appearing in windows throughout the city.'