CCS: ready to support your net zero journey

Are you struggling to fund public sector net zero and sustainability projects? The new one-stop grants and funding opportunities page on the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) website can help.

The UK has cut carbon emissions by more than 40% since 1990. In line with commitments under the Paris Agreement, the UK is the first major economy to pass laws committing to net zero by 2050.

However, this green transition requires an enormous investment in cleaner technologies to shrink carbon footprints. Many local authorities are under pressure to deliver carbon emission targets and are struggling to find and secure reliable funding.

The challenges of net zero finance for local government

Finding reliable financial support for sustainability projects is difficult and time-consuming. Grant information is often scattered across multiple sites and in various formats. When funding sources come up, the competition to secure them is fierce.

How CCS is removing barriers for local government net zero projects

CCS has created a carbon net zero (CNZ) grants and funding web page to help local governments overcome the challenge of identifying funding sources for net zero projects. The new resource brings all open CNZ grants and funding opportunities across the government in one place. CCS will regularly update the page as new funding becomes available.

‘Until now, customers have had no single place to view available funding sources and grants to support CNZ projects and programmes. Our new grants and funding page lets customers quickly see what funding is available, which unlocks a considerable barrier to achieving their net zero aspirations,' says Simon Tse, Chief Executive at CCS.

Get started using the new CNZ grants and funding page

The CNZ grants page lets you review available open funding and providers and identify dates for applications. You can then engage with CCS to understand available routes to market for projects and complementary agreements to help deliver the CNZ solution.

Don't let funding deter your net zero ambitions. View the CNZ grants and funding page.

Supporting your net zero journey

CCS has many solutions to help with decarbonisation across your procurement portfolio, from the obvious areas, such as energy and fleet, to areas you might not even consider, such as technology hardware and food and catering in the future.

View available grants at:

This article is sponsored content for The MJ


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