More than 1,000 children referred to social services every day

Nearly 400,000 children in England were referred and assessed as in need of social services support in 2017/18, according to the latest figures.

Nearly 400,000 children in England were referred and assessed as in need of social services support in 2017/18, according to the latest figures.

The figures  showed children's services are taking on new cases for 1,047 children every day of the year. 

Smith Square said the figures highlighted the ‘huge demand pressures' children's services are facing.

Chair of the Local Government Association's (LGA) children and young people board, Cllr Anntoinette Bramble, said: ‘These figures highlight the sheer volume of cases that are being started by social workers on a daily basis, and illustrate the scale of demand for help from children and their families.'

In the Budget, chancellor Philip Hammond announced an extra £410m for adult and children's social care in 2019/20, with a further £85m over five years to expand children's social care programmes in 20 areas.

However, despite this injection of cash, the LGA estimates there will be a £3bn funding gap by 2025 just to keep services running at current levels.

Speaking ahead of the National Children and Adult Services Conference in Manchester next week, Cllr Bramble continied: ‘While it was good the chancellor announced some new money in the Budget this will not tackle the immediate and future pressures on services.

‘The Government needs to properly tackle the immediate funding crisis facing children's services and use next year's Spending Review to deliver a long-term sustainable funding solution that enables councils to keep some of our most vulnerable children safe from harm and the worst abuses of society.'


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