CIPFA investigating Tandridge black hole

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) is investigating how a huge black hole was discovered in Tandridge DC’s accounts, The MJ has been told.

The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) is investigating how a huge black hole was discovered in Tandridge DC's accounts, The MJ has been told.

In February 2020, it was discovered that selected cost lines appeared to have been removed from Tandridge's pensions-related budgets to the value of £920,500.

A hard-hitting September 2021 report by external auditors Grant Thornton made 15 recommendations, which were accepted and implemented by the council.

Tandridge leader Catherine Sayer said: ‘No further action was possible for the council as those involved had already left its employment.

'However, the issue was referred to CIPFA for its consideration as the professional body.

‘We've had a response from CIPFA to say that the £920k pension error remains subject to ongoing investigation.

'I believe it is due to be considered by its investigations committee.'


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