Sometimes I look at the image of council workers as bureaucratic jobsworths and I wish people could see what I see – the hard-working, committed innovators who value their communities and strive to help the vulnerable people who live there.
Other times, I think the public has a point.
When I first saw the letter that local government minister Brandon Lewis has written to councils, I had to pass it round several colleagues to make sure I had got it right.
Once checked, I assumed this was Mr Lewis playing politics. Surely no council would be making members declare an interest for being council taxpayers?
Even now that I have seen evidence of at least one authority writing to councillors stating they have to seek permission to set their budgets due to their special interest of being a resident, I am still somewhat perplexed.
I completely understand that the law needs to be followed – but do we really need to follow it to such an extent it makes the sector look like dweebs.
I have no doubt that the drafting of the legislation leaves a lot to the imagination, but it is about time common sense prevailed.