COSLA pay offer 'slap in the face,' says union

Trade union Unison has accused the body representing local authorities in Scotland of making a pay offer that ‘falls far short’ of what workers deserve.

Trade union Unison has accused the body representing local authorities in Scotland of making a pay offer that ‘falls far short' of what workers deserve.    

The union said the offer from the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) would result in an increase of less than £10 per week for those on the lowest pay.

Chair of Unison Scotland's local government committee, Mark Ferguson, said: ‘COSLA has been quick to praise our members for their efforts during this pandemic yet have presented our members with a dismal pay offer.

‘Our members have gone above and beyond to provide the services we have all relied on during this pandemic, the least they deserve is to be paid fairly.

'This offer is a slap in the face to our dedicated local government workforce.'

Unison Scotland's head of local government, Johanna Baxter, added: ‘This offer fails to address the impact of years of austerity where wages have fallen significantly behind inflation.

'Given how much we have relied on these workers over the past 12 months and the sacrifices they have made to keep us all safe they deserve better.

‘The moral and economic imperatives for providing these workers with a substantial pay increase are overwhelming.

'There is no better way to stimulate our economic recovery than putting money into the pockets of low-paid workers.

‘Our message to politicians is clear – warm words and claps don't pay the bills.'

A spokesperson for the local government body said: ‘COSLA remains in proactive negotiations with our trade unions.'


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