Cost of living crisis to lead to 'catastrophic' winter

The cost of living crisis will have a ‘catastrophic’ impact, with increases in the number of children entering care and domestic violence cases, social workers have warned.

The cost of living crisis will have a ‘catastrophic' impact, with increases in the number of children entering care and domestic violence cases, social workers have warned.

A new survey of more than 240 social workers by the British Association of Social Workers (BASW) found 95% strongly agreed that vulnerable people may die this winter due to the crisis.

Around 95% strongly agreed that domestic violence will increase and 75% strongly agreed that more children will come into care.

More than half (55%) said they strongly agreed that caseloads will become unmanageable.

When asked about the effects of the increasing cost of living on themselves, 43% said they feared they will struggle to pay their own bills and 20% expected to use a food bank.

BASW chief executive Ruth Allen said: ‘Social workers are among the best placed professionals to comment on the cost of living crisis.'


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