Council announces 'largest' selective licensing scheme in UK

Birmingham City Council has been granted permission to introduce a selective licensing scheme for all private rented properties in 25 wards across the city.

Birmingham City Council has been granted permission to introduce a selective licensing scheme for all private rented properties in 25 wards across the city.

The council has described the scheme, which will require landlords to have a licence before they can rent out their property, as the 'largest in the UK'.

It will target wards where more than one in five properties are in the private rented sector and where there are high levels of deprivation and/or crime.

The scheme is expected to cover up to 50,000 properties.

Birmingham's cabinet member for housing and homelessness, Sharon Thompson, said: ‘The new scheme will help us drive up standards across the private rented sector. 

'We want to ensure that private properties in our poorest wards are providing fit and proper accommodation, and that landlords are adhering to their legal responsibilities.

'While many already do, the introduction of licence conditions that cover a range issues including waste bins, references and tackling anti-social behaviour will ensure the council is in a position to engage and regulate this sector appropriately.'

Approved by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities under the Housing Act 2004, the scheme will come into force in June and last five years.


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