Councils face court over boycott

Three councils are being taken to the High Court today over their decisions to boycott goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements.

Three councils are being taken to the High Court today over their decisions to boycott goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements.

Jewish Human Rights Watch (JHRW) claims Leicester City Council, Swansea City and CC, and Gwynedd Council are guilty of unfair discrimination by passing motions to boycott settlement products.

It will argue the policies contravene the Local Government Act 1988 and the Equality Act 2010.

But the campaign group, War on Want, has defended the councils.

‘It's shameful that local councils are being attacked for ensuring their policies are in line with international and UK law,' War on Want's senior campaigner Ryvka Barnard said.

‘The UK Government, according to the campaign group, has repeatedly characterised the settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories as illegal and has issued advice to businesses on the risks of investing in them.

‘Local councils following that advice and voting to distance themselves from illegal and human rights abusing settlements should not be standing trial over their decision to act responsibly and morally, and in accordance with international law.

‘These sham charges undermine the rights of local authorities to act in respect of human rights and to reflect the values of the people who elected them.'?


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