Councils urged to bid for help improving public estate

Local authorities must meet 12 May deadline to get help from government property experts.

Up to fifteen local authorities stand to gain £40,000 each in resources to help drive property efficiencies from a programme jointly run by the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Cabinet Office.

To secure the funding, councils must meet an imminent 12 May deadline for sending proposals to the next stage of the One Public Estate initiative, which aims to help local authorities collaborate with central government on public property and land issues.

Twelve pilot programmes launched in June 2013 have already delivered £88m capital receipts, £12m property efficiencies and benefits to local economies worth £40m.

Cllr Peter Fleming, chair of the LGA's improvement board said: ‘We know by examining these assts councils can not only make money but bring down running costs and use facilities more effectively, for example by reducing the number of offices,' he added.

Click here for One Public Estate prospectus

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