Two Director Roles

Service Director – Strategy & Development (Economy, Transport & Environment)

c. £90,000


Cambridgeshire is a world beater, competing on the global stage and one of the main drivers of the UK economy. In short we are a major success story for UK PLC and one the Government keeps a close eye on.

As the fastest growing county in the country we have pressures on our services. A new 10,000 home development is due to be built near Cambridge, 8,000 new jobs are about to be created in the west of the county at the Alconbury Enterprise Zone and millions of pounds are being invested in our most rural areas to reduce isolation and protect the vulnerable.

With all this change we need a top team with the talents to make sure that Cambridgeshire retains its competitive edge and continues to be a great place to call home for the diverse communities we serve.

The Service Director will be responsible for leading the county council's work on growth and economic development, the development of transport policy and the delivery of major infrastructure schemes across Cambridgeshire to support growth and improve the lives of all our citizens. The City Deal for Greater Cambridge is one of the biggest and most exciting in the country. Delivering this will be a key priority and will involve working with the widest possible range of partners from Government, health, education and business sectors to transform how we deliver infrastructure and the level of investment in the area.

We are looking for high calibre leadership together with financial and economic expertise and the ability to offer creative and innovative approaches to achieve results. You must be highly credible in the eyes of councillors, business leaders and other key partners.

This is a high profile role under local, national and international scrutiny. You would have the opportunity to make new things happen whilst developing a new range of skills across a wide range of critical services in some of the most challenging times.

To apply, or for further information click here

For a confidential discussion contact David Slatter on 0121 644 5704 or Jack Whitehead on 0113 205 6062 at our recruitment partners GatenbySanderson


Director of Customer Service & Transformation



Cambridgeshire is a world beater, competing on the global stage and one of the main drivers of the UK economy.  We are one of the fastest growing counties in the country and have a challenging and demanding agenda ahead of us to deliver growth.  At the same time we must retain focus on our core business and organisational values, and our corporate identity.

With all this change we need a top team with the talents to make sure that Cambridgeshire delivers its agenda, retains its competitive edge, and continues to be a great place to call home for the diverse communities we serve.

The Director of Customer Service and Transformation will have wide reaching  responsibilities across communications and community engagement, service transformation and some specialist trading services. The role also extends to working very closely with, and in support of, the Chief Executive, for business planning, high level negotiations and developing effective solutions for business critical agenda items. In essence, you will be acting as an assistant chief executive with additional responsibilities including the client side role with LGSS, our support service vehicle developed with our partners in NCC. Delivering this agenda will involve working with the widest possible range of partners from Government, health, education and business sectors.

We are looking for high calibre leadership together with a broad spectrum of skills, experience and capabilities to continue our reputation for creative and innovative approaches to achieve results. You must be highly credible in the eyes of councillors, business leaders and other key partners.

In this high profile role you will have the opportunity to make new things happen, whilst developing a new range of skills across a wide range of critical services in some of the most challenging times.

To apply, or for further information click here

For a confidential discussion contact David Slatter on 0121 644 5704 or Philip Emms on 0113 205 6078 at our recruitment partners GatenbySanderson


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