District View

Bill Taylor on the important role of the newly-created Veterans’ Advisory and Pensions Committee.

Helmand Province, and the other killing fields of Afghanistan, seem a long way from the UK.

Their proximity was, however, brought into sharp focus recently when a close relative of a member of our staff was killed. Instances such as these acts of sacrifice by our armed forces should act as a reminder to all of us working across the public services about what more we can do to assist our service personnel and veterans.

Indeed, the word ‘veterans' tends to conjure up images of curmudgeonly gentlemen from the Second World War era, sitting by the bowling green quaffing a pint of mild.

Recently, though, I have learned that veterans can come from a different vintage. I have just been appointed by the Ministry of Defence as North West chairman of the Veterans' Advisory and Pensions Committee. The role is three-fold. To:


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