Don't lose focus on your people

Julie Towers has the questions workplaces should be asking themselves as the sector faces unprecedented challenges.

With new year's resolutions either embedded in your normal daily life or (more likely) given up on, I thought I would share some interesting and timely questions we've been pondering with our clients in the public and private sector:

1)–Will your talent acquisition strategy keep pace with your staff turnover?

2)–How will you improve the diversity of your workforce – for real?

3)–Have you invested enough in early career talent – the future professionals?

4)–What creates work culture in a blended workplace?

5)–What does onboarding in an agile workplace look like?

6)–How does your employer brand stand up against the competition?

7)–Does your candidate engagement experience fulfil your promise?

8)–Fifty per cent of leavers would stay, says the research. Is your retention strategy in play – are your managers playing their part in it?

9)–Are you selecting for fit or added value?

10)–Is your people strategy ready? More importantly, are your people managers ready?

There are no easy answers, no simple solutions. But I know that, with the right strategies and applied approaches, organisations will get through the unprecedented challenges of high staff turnover, professional talent shortages, and a new approach and attitude to work.

Post-pandemic recovery, refresh and renewal in local government is rightly focused on communities, the place and the economy, but ensure you include your people and your people strategy, too.

Julie Towers is managing director of Penna


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