Edinburgh can do more to 'fulfil its potential,' say auditors

Edinburgh City Council should do more to ‘fulfil its potential,’ auditors have said.

Edinburgh City Council should do more to ‘fulfil its potential,' auditors have said.

A report by the public spending watchdog in Scotland, the Accounts Commission, urged the council to put in place a long-term financial strategy and a more effective workforce plan and said this would be ‘essential' if the local authority was to deal with the fallout from the pandemic.

Interim chair of the Accounts Commission, Elma Murray, said: 'While the ambition of the council and its partners is impressive the detail of how it will deliver, monitor and report on its key strategic goals must be in one accessible and coherent plan.

‘I expect the council to act swiftly on our report.'

Leader Adam McVey said the council would 'work hard to address areas in need of our attention going forward'.


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