Ensuring everyone has a voice in creating the future of work

Employees are looking for organisations that show emotional intelligence, encourage open communication and foster a culture of trust, says Fiyin Fayeye of Penna.

Ahead of the Public Services People Managers' Association conference this week, there are many key HR trends shaping the return to the workplace and beyond.

Changes in the way we work and the technologies we use are in continual flux. Many of these changes began even before the pandemic but were accelerated by it and have become permanent features of a redefined workplace.

Hybrid working is here, with companies using a productivity ‘anywhere workforce' model. Working from anywhere is about owning results, knowing productivity could be achieved anywhere.

The external remit of HR always evolves, which includes influencing wider organisations. There are examples of councils working together with education and healthcare providers to look after the wider community. Community-based HR is integral for delivering strategies.

Working throughout 2020-21 taught us we need to develop resilience in order to adapt to rapid-fire changes in how and where we work. It also taught us the need to become proficient at working across technology platforms, coupled with the further adoption of social media and the Metaverse.

Employee wellbeing is no longer just a benefit. Wellbeing is now an employer's opportunity to support staff in all aspects of their personal and work lives. Employee wellbeing has expanded to include emotional, financial, social and career wellness.

Ethical leadership, company values and their employee value proposition need to align with employee values. Employees are looking for organisations that show emotional intelligence, encourage open communication and foster a culture of trust. Ethical leadership is not always clear cut, but leaders can commit to this by organising listening sessions and taking feedback.

Leaders must demonstrate resilience, empathy, transparency and digital fluency to ensure everyone has a voice in creating the future of work and nobody is left behind.

Fiyin Fayeye is a senior consultant, executive interim, at Penna


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