Essex to take lead over Barnet's 'inadequate' children's services

Essex CC has been appointed Barnet LBC’s improvement partner after the latter’s children’s services were rated inadequate by inspectors.

Essex CC has been appointed Barnet LBC's improvement partner after the latter's children's services were rated inadequate by inspectors.

It comes after the children's commissioner for Barnet, Frankie Sulke, carried out a three-month review, wich recommended the council should retain control of its children's social care services, but with Essex acting as an improvement partner.

Chairman of Barnet's children, education, libraries and safeguarding committee, Reuben Thompstone, said he was ‘pleased' the council would retain control of children's social care services.

He continued: ‘At the same time, we are in no way complacent, and recognise that we still have a long way to go to bring our services up the standard that children and young people deserve.

‘This is despite the best efforts of officers and the political leadership over the past 18 months.

‘With that in mind, we welcome the recommendation that the leadership of the improvement programme should be led and directed by Essex – a local authority with a proven track record in practice improvement.

‘We will continue to focus on delivering the comprehensive action plan we have in place and are absolutely committed to making the necessary improvements.'


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