Exeter chief to retire

Exeter City Council’s chief executive, Philip Bostock, has announced he will retire in the summer, after 16 years in the role.

Exeter City Council's chief executive, Philip Bostock, has announced he will retire in the summer, after 16 years in the role.

The council has confirmed a new top team will take the city forward, with two senior posts in place of the current three.

Subject to a full council meeting on 14 May, Karime Hassain becomes chief executive and growth director and Mark Parkinson becomes deputy chief executive.

‘I have been privileged to have had the opportunity to play a central role in Exeter's story of progress and growth over the last 16 years,' said Mr Bostock.

‘I will certainly miss the talented, committed and enthusiastic colleagues, councillors and external partners with whom I have so much enjoyed working.

‘But we are entering a period of radical change and I have total confidence that the city and the council will go forward even stronger as a result of these changes and that a great future lies ahead for Exeter.'

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