Extra £40m to tackle homelessness

The Welsh Government has announced extra cash aimed to provide people with safe and secure homes.

The Welsh Government has announced extra cash aimed to provide people with safe and secure homes.

Local authorities in Wales are now able to access an additional £40m of funding to help them ensure everyone who was provided with emergency accommodation during the coronavirus pandemic has a clear route to permanent housing.

In March, the Welsh Government announced £10m of funding to provide people facing homelessness with accommodation where they could self-isolate and follow public health advice on how best to protect themselves against COVID-19.

Minister for housing and local government, Julie James, said: ‘The coronavirus has shone a light on housing in a way that few of us have seen before and reminded us all of the fundamental importance of good-quality affordable housing, a safe and secure home and strong and cohesive communities where people want to live and work.

‘I have been clear that I do not wish to see anyone forced to return to the streets.

'We have a unique opportunity to change the services and change lives for the better - and make homelessness rare, brief and unrepeated.

'We want to build on the success we have seen so far and change Wales' approach to homelessness in the long-term.'


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