Go figure

Chris Naylor, chief executive of Barking and Dagenham LBC, explains how strategic management of information and data is key to ensuring the best levels of customer service while saving on front, middle and back office costs.

There's a moment in the 1995 movie Apollo 13 where all appears lost. Three astronauts are earth bound in a stricken spacecraft. Having previously aborted a lunar landing and running low on oxygen, fuel and with an inability to properly navigate, their fate seems sealed. Even if they could successfully manage the re-entry procedure, the lack of air and an inability to keep warm means they will either suffocate or freeze long before they reach the edge of the earth's atmosphere.

Back at mission control, NASA flight controller, Gene Kranz, fully aware that he needs to quickly develop a plan, turns to his team of technicians and without any sense of panic says: ‘work the problem people. Let's not make things worse by guessing'. His call to action feels pretty relevant to local government too.

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