Future Cities – creating better local services

The Public Service Transformation Network is holding an event this week, called ‘Future Cities’, which will look at cities from a number of perspectives.

Around 80% of us live in towns and cities.  Cities are responsible for 60% of our Gross Domestic Product and are vital for our economic growth. 

The public services we provide must be developed within a whole place system if they are to make sense and work well for citizens.  This often means taking a city or city region view of services.  This is a key strategic challenge for leaders across the UK.

The Public Service Transformation Network is holding an event this week, called ‘Future Cities', which will look at cities from a number of perspectives.

The event will help those involved in designing and delivering public services consider research, insights and new perspectives on what cities can be and how they can improve the lives of their residents. 

With a focus on wellbeing and effective design, our aim is to showcase different approaches to city development.  Taking examples from the socially sustainable city development in Basque region, the work of Sheffield First Partnership in developing a 2035 city vision for Sheffield, Leeds Smart City approach and framed by current theory and research, this interactive event provides a real opportunity to discuss and shape the future public services we want and need.


  • Peter Wilding, Public Service Transformation Network
  • Ben Lucas, City Growth Commission
  • Ed Cox, IPPR North
  • Stefan Webb, Future Cities Catapult
  • Ben Hawes, Smart Cities Forum
  • Naomi Clayton, Centre for Cities
  • Gorka Espiau, Young Foundation
  • Sharon Squires, Sheffield First Partnership
  • Dylan Roberts & Mick Ward, Leeds City Council

Future Cities event – 27th November, Sheffield Town Hall – book here

Helen Nicol is the Public Service Transformation Network's senior advisor for knowledge and capability



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