Glasgow strikes suspended as equal pay deal reached

Public sector unions yesterday suspended all equal pay strikes after a deal was struck with Glasgow City Council to settle the long-running dispute.

Public sector unions yesterday suspended all equal pay strikes after a deal was struck with Glasgow City Council to settle the long-running dispute.

Unison had previously suspended 29 and 30 March strikes after a last-minute offer from Glasgow and further talks.

However, the union had planned further strike action this month and in May.

These strikes have now been suspended after Glasgow leader Susan Aitken wrote to trade unions to confirm the local authority was committed to a deal reached in 2019.

Unison lawyers will now enter legal talks over the financial settlement of members' equal pay claims.

GMB Scotland organiser Sean Baillie said: ‘For GMB members in Glasgow City Council, equal pay justice is a significant step closer.

‘The incredible strength and solidarity of GMB members, throughout many years of struggle, has been critical to achieving this progress and securing key commitments from the council.'


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