Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i arwain ar newid arwyddocaol o fewn Gofal
Cymdeithasol i Oedolion. Fel Cyngor rydym yn cychwyn ar y broses o
foderneiddio ein Gwasanaeth Gofal Cymdeithasol i Oedolion gan
weithio gyda'r Bwrdd Iechyd i integreiddio'r ddarpariaeth o
wasanaeth. Bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus yn ganolog i'r broses
hon, drwy siapio a darparu gwasanaethau cynaliadwy o ansawdd
uchel. Mae trefniadau partneriaeth cryf ac effeithiol o fewn yr
Awdurdod Lleol ac yn ei berthynas gyda'r Trydydd Sector a'r Sector

Mae Ynys Môn yn lle gwych i fyw a gweithio ac mae'n ddigon mawr i
allu cynnig cyfres o heriau gwahanol a diddorol, ond yn ddigon bychan
hefyd i allu dod i adnabod y gymuned yr ydych yn gweithio ynddi.

Fel yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus byddwch:
• Yn uchelgeisiol yn eich disgwyliadau ynglyn â beth ellir ei gyflawni ar
gyfer y gwasanaethau i oedolion
• Gyda hanes gyrfaol wedi ei brofi o reoli pobl drwy newid gan ddangos
hyder ac integriti proffesiynol
• Yn glir ac yn ddigyfaddawd ynglyn ag ansawdd y gofal sydd i'w
• Gyda'r gallu i ysgogi ac ymgysylltu ag ystod eang o grwpiau ac
unigolion sydd â diddordeb.

Ewch i'r wefan isod am fwy o fanylion neu cysylltwch â:
Gwen Carrington Cyfarwyddwr Cymuned ar 01248 752706


This is an exciting opportunity to lead on significant change within
Adult Social Care. As a Council we are embarking on the
modernisation of our Adult Social Care Service and working with the
Health Board to integrate service delivery. The successful applicant
with be central to this process, through shaping and delivering high
quality and sustainable services. There are strong and effective
partnership arrangements both within the Local Authority and in its
relationship with the Third and Independent sector.

Anglesey is a great place to live and work and is big enough to present
a diverse and interesting set of challenges, but small enough to get to
know the community you are working with.
As the successful applicant you will:
• Be ambitious in your expectation about what can be achieved for
adult services
• Have a proven track record of managing people through change
evidencing professional confidence & integrity
• Be clear and uncompromising about the quality of care to be provided
• Have the ability to enthuse and engage a wide range of interested
groups and individuals

Visit the website below for further details or contact:
Gwen Carrington Director of Community on 01248 752706.



21 January 2014

This is an exciting opportunity to lead on significant change within Adult Social Care. As a Council we are embarking on the modernisation of our Adult Socia...


Isle of Anglesey - Heads of Service Learning

17 October 2013

Isle of Anglesey - Heads of Service