(Health MJ) Transformation is 'a long-term answer' says Lord Kerslake

Former civil service chief Lord Kerslake, who now chairs King’s College Hospital NHS FT, has warned that transformation changes to the health service are long-term and will not solve the sector’s current cash crisis.

Former civil service chief Lord Kerslake, who now chairs King's College Hospital NHS FT, has warned that transformation changes to the health service are long-term and will not solve the sector's current cash crisis.

In an interview with HealthMJ he called for a transformation fund but added: ‘If care budgets get further squeezed it will be more difficult to get discharges and costs will go up. At Kings we're at 90% capacity and forecasting a shortage of beds. It will take several years to deal with the deficit and we will need ambitious efficiency savings, a changed healthcare system with fewer admissions and more discharges but we can't do that in five years.'


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