Kelly sets out "hearts and minds" campaign

Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly is to put local authorities at the centre of a new ‘hearts and minds’ action plan designed to isolate, prevent and defeat violent extremism within Muslim communities

Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly is to put local authorities at the centre of a new ‘hearts and minds' action plan designed to isolate, prevent and defeat violent extremism within Muslim communities
Ms Kelly is also due to announce details today (Thursday)  of funding for some 70 councils who will share £6 million from the Preventing Violent Extremism Pathfinder Fund to develop local programmes to tackle violent extremism at the local level.
The funding aims to build on the work that leading local authorities already undertake  in dialogue with their communities, forging partnerships with police, community and faith groups and working with mosques and education institutions.
Ruth Kelly is also to a new cross-government committee focussing on counter radicalisation and in a major speech alongside publication of the strategy will stress:
‘ I know from my conversations with Muslim communities up and down the country that the desire and commitment to tackle extremism is there.  There are many people in communities who are already taking a brave stand and doing incredible work.
‘Local authorities are already doing a huge amount in their communities - whether forging partnerships with police, community and faith groups or working with mosques and education institutions. But we need to step-up support. That is why I am today announcing additional funding for around 70 local authorities to support programmes to isolate and defeat extremism.


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