Labour's manifesto lacks a commitment to localism

The Labour Party bills itself as the party of devolution, but Heather Jameson argues its manifesto offers less devolution and more sucking of the state back up to the centre.

The Labour Party's plans, should it wake up to power on 9 June, were revealed in its official manifesto this week. Labour has dubbed itself the party of devolution. It may have a nice ring to it, but it doesn't really ring true when it comes down to the policies. There are plans for an England minister and a commitment to be ‘guided by public opinion' on mayors. I'm not sure that makes Mr Corbyn a true localist.

The local government section is grandly dubbed ‘Leading Richer Lives' – but it does little to address economic growth, or community engagement. There is a pledge to devolve powers for economic growth – but no detail.

Heather Jameson

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