Time to lead, not plead

Housing providers in the north of England are contributing £4.6bn to local economies and with the right tools can help achieve post-austerity growth, writes Jo Boaden.

Cobbled streets and lines of terraces stretching all the way to the factory gates – for many people, who don't know the North, stereotypes of housing in the North of England haven't moved on since the 1970's when the Northern Housing Consortium was established to give housing providers in the North a unified voice.

40 years on, the Consortium continues to challenge these stereotypes and emphasise the significant regeneration that has taken place across the region and to help redefine the country's relationship with the North of England. It's time for the North to lead not plead.

Established in 1974 – the same year as the passing of the Housing Act which gave housing associations greater powers to build and develop new homes, the Northern Housing Consortium is a membership body that represents 400 housing providers and local authorities.


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