Leese: Skills system is a mess

The leader of Manchester City Council has described the current skills system as a ‘mess’ as he laid out a vision for the future.

The leader of Manchester City Council has described the current skills system as a ‘mess' as he laid out a vision for the future.  

Speaking at the Local Government Association annual conference today, Sir Richard Leese, warned that a failure to address the skills gap put at risk 4% of future economic growth and called for the Government to agree criteria that councils could meet in exchange for winning new powers.

Sir Richard said the ambition was for apprenticeships, adult skills and employment services to be devolved by 2020.

He said: ‘We have one of the most centralised and fragmented skills systems in the developed world.

‘We should not underestimate this task but this is practical – it can be achieved.

‘I'm absolutely certain that local government has the political will.'

Waltham Forest LBC leader, Cllr Clare Coghill, called for a ‘skills revolution' as she warned that Brexit posed a ‘serious risk' to the British economy.

She said: ‘We want to see our residents in work – in order to contribute, in order to play an active part in our society.

‘We have to be honest with the next generation about what is practical and what is helpful [skills-wise].

‘If we know where we want to go in the future can we please tell our young people?'

Newly-elected West of England mayor, Tim Bowles, said a ‘massive shift' was needed in the working of Whitehall on skills.

He said: ‘We need a real, grown-up partnership with government.

‘We need a true partnership – not just rhetoric.'



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