Levelling up – how to negotiate the challenges ahead

Local Partnerships will host a lunchtime webinar to look at how councils can get maximum leverage though schemes with private partners and deliver projects that can be the catalyst for further investment.

Since its emergence as a Conservative manifesto pledge two years ago, the question of what ‘levelling up' means has been subject to much scrutiny.

In a recent Select Committee, Michael Gove was asked to provide some definition and referenced, among other aspects, the need to widen exposure to opportunities and help restore pride in place. These two objectives have certainly been cash backed with the commitment of almost £5bn of capital funding for local infrastructure and £100bn for delivering a new integrated rail plan.

The White Paper will help crystallise levelling up policy further, before its shelf life as a campaign slogan eventually declines. What will not disappear are the projects it helped instigate or revive following a decade of investment constraint. These will be expected to deliver benefit for years into the future. It has been interesting for our team to review the type of regeneration, cultural and transport investments that councils have been responding with over the last year or so as part of the Future High Streets Fund and the recent Round 1 Levelling Up Fund programme.

There has been a lot of commonality in places' desire to repurpose and create new space, make it easier to get around, build on local heritage and generate footfall in town and city centres. These projects are, inevitably, dictated by the objectives and scale of funding available and councils are acutely aware that, despite this investment, major demands remain in respect of housing, net-zero, transport and flood defences.

We recognise the challenges councils face in their efforts to secure funding, get maximum leverage though schemes with private partners and deliver projects that can be the catalyst for further investment. On 13 December, Local Partnerships will host a lunchtime webinar with members of our bid review team to look at these issues further. Whether you're the beneficiary of funding already, are ready to go for the next round or are dusting yourself down to bid again, it will provide you with the opportunity to hear tips and advice, and explore the practical challenges you face around delivery.

To reserve your place, email • @LP_localgov


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