LGA focus: 20 years of the LGA

This year marks the 20th birthday of the Local Government Association – 20 years of the sector speaking with one voice. The MJ has created this supplement to celebrate its successes.

Of course, the biggest achievement is the fact the LGA has survived despite all predictions to the contrary in the early days. The association is like a bumblebee – it shouldn't be able to fly but it does. The feat of trying to speak with one voice across different political groups, different types of authority and different geographies – often with competing needs and priorities – should not be underestimated.

Every few years there looks to be a crisis, as one group or another threatens to leave, but so far there has been a remarkable consistency in maintaining membership, despite councils' tough financial position. Ultimately, while authorities may get frustrated at aspects of the association, the sector is the better for it.


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