Libraries must adapt for communities they serve, quango reports

Public libraries will have to cope with technological advances yet remain the hubs of community life, Arts Council England has reported today.

Public libraries will have to cope with technological advances yet remain the hubs of community life, Arts Council England has reported today.

In its response to major research project  ‘Envisioning the library of the future', the quango sets out four priority areas for development; placing the library as the hub of the community; fully exploiting digital technology; ensuring libraries are resilient and ensuring librarians have the right skills.

Alan Davey, chief executive for Arts Council England said. ‘Envisioning the library of the future has shown us that collaboration is key.

‘If everyone with an interest in and passion for libraries works effectively together, we can help the sector to develop and respond to the challenges and opportunities that are presenting themselves,' Mr Davey added.

Culture minister, Ed Vaizey, said: ‘Public libraries matter – they play an important role for communities and help celebrate and promote Britain's greatest contribution to world civilisation – our language and literature. But libraries need constantly to adapt to keep up with changes in communities.'

'It's testament to this commitment and innovation, and to councils' reluctance to make closures, that only a small percentage of our 4,500 libraries have closed over the past couple of years,' said Cllr Flick Rea, chair of the Local Government Association's culture, media and sport board.

'This report confirms the issues many councils are currently grappling with and the solutions and approaches it discusses are already a reality in many libraries. It's also important to remember the best solutions may vary from area to area, and this is something for councils to work out in consultation with their residents,' Cllr Rea concluded.

John Dolan, chair of Chartered Institute for Library and Information Professionals said: 'We recognise the need for skills and expertise to evolve as the role of libraries changes. We look forward to working with Arts Council England and other partners to ensure that the whole library workforce get the development, training and support they need to deliver the library of the future."

Jonathan Werran

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