Local government must lead the way on change

Britain post-Brexit won't be a mythical land like Game of Thrones, says Heather Jameson. But there will be much to do. Why wait for Whitehall to come up with the answers when so many solutions lie at a local level?

Forget all the hype around Game of Thrones, there is a new fantasy drama emerging. Set in an indiscernible point in the distant future, it holds all sorts of promise of high-level political intrigue, warring factions, hopes and betrayals. It is post-Brexit Britain – a mythical land where all policy dwells and all public sector ambitions will be answered.

There is the promise of a Spending Review, a Shared Prosperity Fund and a social care Green Paper. This imaginary world even holds all hopes of an end to austerity. There is a framework, setting out a path towards the blissful utopia of devolution – and there is not a single blade of long grass in sight.

Heather Jameson

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