Look who's holding the key to economic growth

As the Key Cities Group launches this week, Heather Jameson reports on The MJ’s round table debate where the cities discussed the issues of growing their economy – and how they are trying to solve them

If local government is to be at the forefront of economic growth for the country, then the Core Cities have so far taken the lead.

With City Deals and demands in the autumn for a new financial deal in exchange for a greater economic return, the cities have pitched themselves as the Government's solution to the country's economic woes.

It is a start, but for the country to reach its full economic potential, there is much further to go. In fact, success will be limited unless the country can go far further.

That is why the next tier of cities have got together to form the Key Cities Group.

Launched this week, the Key Cities consists of the country's medium-sized cities.  Out of a potential 26 cities, 22 have joined the group.

They may not have the size of their Core City counterparts, but because there are more of them, they have the potential to become economic powerhouses in their own right.

At a recent debate for The MJ, Sunderland City Council chief executive and chief executive lead, Key Cities, Dr Dave Smith, explained: ‘We are trying to move the debate forward.  We are very much focused on the issue of devolution, and we are trying to break down some of the thinking and the barriers to promoting the economy across the UK.'

According to our debaters, the UK economy is ‘almost being treated as a London city region economy'.

At a push, Manchester and Birmingham are recognised as possible economies in their own right.

‘The debate needs to move on from three or four cities.'  Each individual area should be striving to build its own economy as part of a network across the country.  Despite the growing gap in how the Core Cities reviewed in economic capacity terms, it would appear the Key Cities have very similar problems and issues.

These include:

Heather Jameson

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