Manufacturing can still be key to business rate income

Manufacturing across the UK is doing surprisingly well, but clouds on the horizon could hamper business rate growth, writes Michael Burton.

The annual Regional Manufacturing Outlook from the manufacturing body EEF and BDO is unlikely to be top of the summer holiday reading list for council corporate management teams and their cabinets – and yet it should. With 100% business rate retention on the horizon council chiefs ought to be up to speed about the economic performance of their localities, especially with the high street retail sector, along with its rate income, fast disappearing down the plughole.

Manufacturing, still a major part of the economy, could help fill that income gap. In the East Midlands manufacturing still provides a 16.7% share of regional output and 12.3% of its regional workforce, 16.3% in the North West and 9.5% of jobs, 15.9% in the West Midlands (10% of jobs), 14.2% in the North East (10% of jobs), 13.6% in Yorkshire & Humber (10% of jobs) and 11% in the South West. In Wales manufacturing represents 18.7% of its output and in Scotland 10.8%. In London and the South East in contrast the dominant service sector far outperforms metal bashing businesses.

Michael Burton

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