A Mayor for all Weathers

Somewhat lost among a double murder (Andy and ‘Harvey’), a fatal car accident (Katie) and a near-fatal fall from a ladder (Seb), Sally Metcalfe (Webster as was) secured victory in a rather parochial race for the job of elected mayor of Weatherfield in fan favourite soap Coronation Street.

Somewhat lost among a double murder (Andy and ‘Harvey'), a fatal car accident (Katie) and a near-fatal fall from a ladder (Seb), Sally Metcalfe (Webster as was) secured victory in a rather parochial race for the job of elected mayor of Weatherfield in fan favourite soap Coronation Street.

Against such a bloody backdrop it seems churlish to suggest that Corrie, which once prided itself on being the soap that kept things real, held the contest on a Monday, sweeping aside the inconvenience of not being transmitted on Thursdays.


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